Thursday, July 22, 2010

What can we do?

I recently receive an emailed after someone that viewed the info at my blog and he had this to say“would like to ignore this, I can't”
Myself and many others have felt this way, after what we have learned about dolphins and whales, how could we turn our backs on these creatures that are so much like us but at the same time different.
I guess you could say many have had an epiphany of sorts.
Many have been asking the same question ”what can we do” at discussion boards such as this one!/board.php?uid=120001599615

I have search many of the major nonprofit websites that deal with animals and wildlife, it seems that their only answer is to write your congressman and send us a donation.
While this is good and well intentioned I think many of us want to get personally involved, it seems sending in a check and receiving a newsletter stating all the good things that they have done is not very fulfilling.
I also do question these groups and their actions or should I say lack of actions.As Ric O'Barry pointed out during the movie (The Cove) these groups that collect millions and millions of dollars were silent on what was going on in Taiji, Japan.
My belief is that they collect donations from people on both sides of the fence in the captive dolphin issue and don't want to offend either group so they lay low on the issue.
I guess because they are involved with so many other wildlife issues that they are willing to sacrafice the dolphins and whales held in captivity for what they consider the greater good.
Ric O'barry also pointed out that many are connected with Seaworld, this may explain while some may say captivity is not such a good idea at their websites they do nothing actively to oppose captivity of dolphins and whales.

Several weeks ago at one of the forums I mentioned about going to the National Aquarium in Baltimore and handout information leaflets.
We have to spread awareness to those that go to these dolphin and whale shows(circus).So far I have only received one offer from someone willing to participate.
I also mentioned that we must have a grassroots movement that is organized to go up against this muti billion dollar industry.Seaworld who owns many of these parks throughout the world rakes in over 1.4 billion alone.
These people that build these very expensive aquariums to hold dolphins and whales such as the one in Georgia which costed over $250 million to build will not give up that easy.
BTW I do know a dedicated group down in Georgia that is in need of contributions and actual volunteers.

I would like to see a grassroots organization started coast to coast that deals with the issues concerning Dolphins and whale captivity, educating the people throughout the country and stopping the money flow that keep these places in business.If anyone is interested drop me an email.

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