Dolphins have been known to save human lives, while humans are known for destroying their lives.
We poison their environment, they do not harm ours.
We capture them and put them in cement fish tanks for display, while they are more than willing to swim with us in the open sea.
They say that humans and the dolphins are two of the most intelligent creatures on this planet.
The brain of an adult bottlenose dolphin measures over 1,600 cc, versus the average adult human brain of about 1,450 cc, much like us dolphins have self awareness.
They have complex languages, social structures and exhibit evidence of a highly developed emotional sense.
DOLPHINS may be closer to humans than previously realized, with new research showing they communicate by whistling out their own “names”.
The evidence suggests dolphins share the human ability to recognize themselves and other members of the same species as individuals with separate identities.
The research, on wild bottlenose dolphins, will lead to a reassessment of their intelligence and social complexity, raising moral questions over how they should be treated.
I like to add that you can go to to listen/watch his lecture on his book In Defense of Dolphins, you can also go to to learn more about his book. I must warn you that the lecture runs 55 minutes, but you will be amazed about what he has to say.
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